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“Evolution of tolling and ITS in Ireland” abre la sesion plenaria del Congreso ITS Euskadi




El III Congreso ITS Euskadi abría su sesión plenaria con la intervención de John Davis, Associate en la empresa Arup, consultora internacional que trabaja en materia de ITS en Irlanda y eque, entre otros, ha asesorado al gobierno irlandes en la implantación de sistemas de tarificación.

En su intervención, ha destacado el papel que ha significado para su país la colaboración público privada, gracias a la cual se ha podido acometer la renovación y modernización de sus infraestructuras viarias en poco más de 10 años.

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:: Summarize of the presentation

Prior to 2000, Ireland had an under-developed road network. A major investment programme was implemented to address this issue. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) played a key role in financing this programme and the PPP model evolved between 2003 and 2010. Ireland now has a modern state-of-the-art motorway network which is supported by interoperable tolling and various ITS deployments.

The presentation will focus on;
• Evolution of electronic toll collection in Ireland
• Evolution of Tolling Interoperability in Ireland
• Deployment of Open Road Tolling and ITS on the M50 motorway
• Deployment of Variable Priced Tolling and ITS on the Dublin Port Tunnel
• Future plans

This presentation will demonstrate how a focus on coordinated planning (i.e. phased policy of infrastructure delivery combined with innovative ITS and Tolling deployments) has delivered improved safety, reduced congestion and better mobility for all users of the Irish transport network.

:: Paper